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Daily 700+ Eggs Collected

Our farm ensures high-quality egg production with modern techniques, supported by advanced tunnel ventilation for optimal bird health.

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500+ Chickens Raised

We prioritize the health and growth of our poultry with optimal care, enhanced by precise temperature and humidity control from our tunnel ventilation system.

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Daily 100kg+ Meat Produced

Our farm delivers fresh, high-quality poultry meat daily, thanks to improved air quality and energy-efficient tunnel ventilation systems.

Welcome to Escudero Animal Raising Farm.

At Escudero Animal Raising, we specialize in providing high-quality poultry products, including fresh eggs, chickens, and specialty meats. Our farm utilizes modern tunnel ventilation systems to ensure optimal conditions for our birds, promoting their health and productivity.

  • Advanced tunnel ventilation for optimal airflow
  • Precise temperature and humidity control
  • Improved air quality for healthier birds
  • Energy-efficient systems for sustainable farming
  • Automated solutions for efficient farm management
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Natural Feed

We provide 100% natural feed for healthier and happier chickens.

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Own Fields

Our farm grows its own feed, ensuring quality and sustainability.

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Modern Farm

Equipped with state-of-the-art tunnel ventilation systems.

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100% Organic

Our products are organic, free from harmful chemicals and additives.

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Chicken Life Cycle

Chicken Life Cycle

The life cycle of a chicken consists of several distinct stages, from egg to adulthood. This natural process showcases the development of a chicken as it grows, hatches, and matures.


The life cycle begins with the egg. A hen lays an egg, which incubates for around 21 days before hatching. During this period, the embryo inside develops into a chick.


Inside the egg, the embryo gradually forms. With proper warmth and care, it develops essential organs, limbs, and feathers, preparing for the moment of hatching.


After breaking out of the eggshell, the newborn chick is covered in soft downy feathers. It relies on warmth, food, and water as it grows stronger and more independent.


As the chick matures, it develops into a fully grown chicken. A hen can start laying eggs, continuing the cycle of life, while roosters contribute to the reproductive process.